Blog Title Explanation

"Oh I Know" is a phrase used by Sybil Fawlty on one of my favorite shows - Fawlty Towers. I find I say it alot too!

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Ashton's New Appliance

Ashton got his retainer appliance today.  One of his front teeth is coming in very crooked and the bottom tooth even sits in front of it which is going to make a multitude of problems if we don't correct it.  So this morning we went to the orthodontist.  Ashton had an appointment a couple of weeks ago and an impression done and after selecting the colour blue they made him his retainer.

He needs to wear it all the time - I mean ALL THE TIME!  Poor kid - when he eats, sleeps, plays sports, school.  The only time he is allowed to take it out is to brush his teeth and clean the appliance. 

He was so excited to go this morning.  I don't think he realized what a major pain this is going to be.  I admire his positive spirit about it though.

He is really good at taking it in and out.  Although I've threatened him about taking it out to show friends at school.  I don't want to replace this thing - it's expensive!
He'll need to wear it for about the next 6 months.  If the tooth moves well, he may be able to wear it only at night after a couple of months.

Every other day we have a key to turn and it will gradually push that front tooth back into place.  I'm excited to see his smile once it is straight.
He talks funny, has way too much saliva, and is pretty sore tonight.  I gave him some tylenol at bedtime, hopefully he has a good sleep.  Dr. K. says it should only take a few days for him to get used to it.  So Phase 1 has started in his Phase 3 dental plan to have beautiful straight teeth.

1 comment:

  1. If this work will he not have to wear braces? If so that should be nice and probably less expensive, hopefully. I think to wear when eating would be the biggest pain. Good luck.
