Blog Title Explanation

"Oh I Know" is a phrase used by Sybil Fawlty on one of my favorite shows - Fawlty Towers. I find I say it alot too!

Friday, May 4, 2012

Friday Weigh In

You may have noticed I haven't weighed in for a couple of weeks.  I've had a setback.  I feel like an addict who had a relapse.  I in no way want to minimize the struggles of an addict, but sometime this weightloss struggle has some similarities - only I can't give up food entirely!  Okay, maybe I'm being a bit dramatic, but why can't I get this under control.  Why do I let life and my emotions derail me?  Does anyone else do this?

I could just give up.  Resign myself to the fact that I'm always going to be overweight.  That I'm just big boned.  That I like food too much.  But my mom and dad didn't raise a quitter.  It is to important for my health and well being.  It is amazing to me how terrible I've been feeling this last little while and I know it is because I've put some weight back on.  So I'm back.  I can do this!

I'm going to start from scratch.  I weighed today and I'm going to start over from today's weight.  I'm going to put a new reward system in place (not sure what that is going to be yet - any ideas?)  I guess I should be embarrassed that I'm failing so publicly, but you know what I'm not.  Everyone has struggles.  This one of mine just happens to be VERY visable.

So here we go again - I can do this for me, for my family, for our future!


  1. I decided the other day that I am literally addicted to chocolate. I seem to need some every couple of day. I always joked about it, but I really think I am. That is my BIG problem. Good luck. You have been doing great.

  2. Good luck! Im.struggeling getting my last 2 ba ies weight off..... im attempting doing.zumba and.wii fit during nap.time. i.feel like i might die some days.... i know i like baking too much, then eating it because it tastes too good. Im trying to cut back on bad foods........ its hard! Good luck with what youre doing. We all have set backs, very normal.

  3. Oh, Lalainia! I feel for you, as you can see I gave up months with blogging about my NON weight loss efforts! It is so hard, and I don't know why it has to be, I forget we only need food to survive and not to survive only to have food! I admire your efforts and I always read your update to see what inspiration I gain for the coming week! If only I would apply it to my own life!
